Friday, September 30, 2016

high school experience

So far, I love high school. Before school started and during the first week, I was very nervous, and scared. I didn't know what to expect, and was frightened to be the youngest in the school. The best thing about it is you have so much freedom, and can do so much more stuff, such as clubs. I also love how we are able to leave the school to go out for lunch. I am very happy being the youngest also because I have older friends to look up to, and to help guide me with my work. The worst thing about high school is definetely the work load. Since I play a sport, I don't have enough time to do all my work after school practice, or a game. There is also a lot of responsibly put on each student which is good in some ways but bad in others. Overall, I like high school more than middle school, and I am excited to spend the rest of this year and years to come in this school. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gods character in Genesis

I always thought of God as a perfect, kind, and caring human being for all people. I have now realized from Gensis that God has a different side to him. He has hatred and evilness inside of him that he let come out a little during this. God thinks of himself and the most perfect figure, which was also set for all of us to think. From reading this I have realized that God is just like us. We are figures of him, we represent him, so in a way we are a part of him. He is like us, being he has evil, and bad inside of him. We gained these qualities because he owned these qualities. In reading this, it has made me realize that nobody, not even God is perfect. God has more flaws then we imagined.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

who's to blame for Eve eating from the tree?

I think that it was the serpents fault that Eve ate from the tree. She was not tempted to eat from it because she had many other trees and plants to eat from, but when the serpent told her that she would gain more knowledge and advised her that she wouldn't die, she was more attracted. In the story, the serpent says "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." This sentence shows how the serpent was trying to tempt Eve and show her how good eating from the tree could be. The serpent also said "You will not surely die." This made Eve feel more secure about eating from the tree. If the serpent didn't influence and persuade her to eat from the tree, I don't think she would have.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

comparing Gilgamesh to the flood of Chaldean

The flood story of Chaldean, is very similar and different to the flood in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both stories, contain a man who was ordered to build a boat. However, in Chaldean he was ordered by the god Chronos, and in Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim was warned by many gods about the great flood. The epic of Gilgamesh only called for a few of Utnapishtim relatives, where in the story of Chaldean,  Xisuthrus brought friends, family, and animals. One main difference between the two is that before the flood was brought, Xisuthrus was told to write a history and bury it somewhere. Both Utnapishtim and Xisuthrus sent birds out, and when they didn't return, they had realized they had landed on land somewhere. Xisuthrus made sacrifices to the gods, and was then translated to live with them. Utnapishtim got granted immortality and lived at the end of the earth. Although these stories are at such different times in history, they have so much in common. 

source: the

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. I am a 9th grade student at Roslyn High School. I have 3 siblings, one older brother, younger brother, and younger sister. I play many sports some including basketball and soccer.     I am keeping this blog for my English class. Throughout the year I will be editing and adding to this blog. You will get to see all of my cool projects, and progression as a student throughout the year.