The flood story of Chaldean, is very similar and different to the flood in The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both stories, contain a man who was ordered to build a boat. However, in Chaldean he was ordered by the god Chronos, and in Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim was warned by many gods about the great flood. The epic of Gilgamesh only called for a few of Utnapishtim relatives, where in the story of Chaldean, Xisuthrus brought friends, family, and animals. One main difference between the two is that before the flood was brought, Xisuthrus was told to write a history and bury it somewhere. Both Utnapishtim and Xisuthrus sent birds out, and when they didn't return, they had realized they had landed on land somewhere. Xisuthrus made sacrifices to the gods, and was then translated to live with them. Utnapishtim got granted immortality and lived at the end of the earth. Although these stories are at such different times in history, they have so much in common.
source: the